A fencing victory

Saturday some of our good great awesome best friends came up to our place to help us with some fencing.  We’ve been struggling with the fence since we moved to our farm eight months ago – then we were putting in some hotwire as we were moving all of our animals –...

Rick laid an egg

Feeding the cows tonight Clara and I discovered a turtle in the cows pen – inches from the hot-wire.  Clara was sure he was stuck… afraid of getting shocked but afraid of turning back and getting tromped on by those huge cows. Reghan took it up to the house and...

Let’s get started

We’re growing a garden!  Follow along and let’s see how well it works together! We’ll use a number of resources including family, parents, church resources, and SFG.

Clearing the Church fence line

On Saturday a few of us met at the Church and cleared up some of the fence line.  We cleared about 1/3 of the fence line before we had to leave – the rest of the crew staying longer just about finished that side. It was a great opportunity and wonderful to see the...

Roll Call!

I thought it would be fun to document some of our animals.  Now, when we have a bunch they might be noted as such, but inevidably they get a name and missed when they depart from the farm. Dogs Porter – the boss dog (GP) Cloe – ‘The girl’ (mix) Holly Jingle Mya Eva...