I thought it would be fun to document some of our animals.  Now, when we have a bunch they might be noted as such, but inevidably they get a name and missed when they depart from the farm.

  • Dogs
    • Porter – the boss dog (GP)
    • Cloe – ‘The girl’ (mix)
    • Holly
    • Jingle
    • Mya
    • Eva
  • Cats
    • Seal
    • Italy
    • Jetta
  • Cattle
    • PS – Power sucker, power shooter – you pick!  He’s a Holstein steer
    • Alex Taken to the butcher
    • Bolt – can’t get near this one – unless you’re Laurie the cow whisperer or have some food.  Also a Holstein
    • Rumpy
  • Goats
    • Willow
    • Tam
    • Red
    • Moroni
    • Ziggy Taken to the butcher
    • Rose
  • Chicken
    • The flock
  • Rabbit
    • 4 3 bucks
      • One of the dogs got to the rabbits when we were transporting them and it ended up paralyzed and eventually didn’t make it.
  • Swine
    • Po – a Poland China Taken to the butcher
    • Bell – Tristan’s first berk from Mr. Malone Taken to the butcher
    • Babe – a runt berk Taken to the butcher
    • 4 more Berks Taken to the butcher