Pig share

So, when you can’t raise a pig of your own you have a few choices I suppose – you could go out and drive around the country until you see one of those wild boars, tackle it, and somehow get it to your favorite butcher… oh wait, they don’t take wild hog… Dang!  You let...

I don’t think he wanted to go to the “chop shop”

We were up at ‘the butt crack of dawn’ as my friend Clint would say… a sleepy drive to the clinic with Jingle… he normally doesn’t like cars so I was surprised he jumped right in the van… maybe a little warmer?  I’m not sure – but there was no fighting him for the...

Christmas on the ranch…

‘Twas the night before Christmas & out on the ranch The pond was froze over & so was the branch. The snow was piled up belly-deep to a mule. The kids were all home on vacation from school, And happier young folks you never did see- Just all sprawled...

Visit the hive

Today I spent some time at the Texas State Fair working the ‘Bee Booth’ – lots of fun!  We get to tell people about bees all day, and if you’ve ever asked me about my bees you know that isn’t hard for me to do.  I really enjoy bees and...

The idea

Everything starts as an idea right?  Well, we’ve had a garden in the past, however between moves, hot summers, more moves, and yada yada yada – well needless to say we’ve done very little in the way of gardening, and where we have done anything...