There is lots of milk flowing through the BZB farm. By all fair estimates we probably have well over 1,000 gallons flow through the BZB milk bucket during the course of a milking season. We’re always working new ways to use our milk. You know everything takes...
Keeping bees seems like a daunting task – fear of your first sting, longing for the taste of honey – you’r like a famous honey bear – “Think… Think… Think…” Maybe a quick 10 steps to your first year will help make the plunge into...
Water is an essential item to have at hand at all times. I’m sure you’ve heard you can last 3 weeks without food but only 3 days without water. Yada… yada… yada… well.. it is true, but what you may not realize is that long before the...
Been a long time since I’ve had a chance to write on the blog. We had a few things to take care of in the house and on the farm that have just kept us pretty busy.
Thought it would be fun to do a time lapse of our back yard activities… lazy (and quite warm) afternoon so we’re not out much, but the animals are just having a grand old time! httpv://