My wife always surprises me when out of the blue she has a completely out of character episode of spontaneity! She calls me up and starts telling me how she found a Great Pyrenees (GP) – and she knows I’ve talked about getting one, but t hat was when we had a herd of...
This word is way overused today, not only with dogs, but with virtually all animals and children. The command isn’t bad, just overused. I recommend that when you need immediate adherence to a command train for the word “STOP”. Often animals become a...
Some ideas for curing a chicken killing puppy. This is a bad habit and almost always fixable. It may take a lot of time and patience depending on the breed, age, and general disposition of the dog or puppy. A few things I should note here before we get started. First...
So, even with a couple dozen chickens the manure seems to pile up quickly! Add to that a few active rabbits and some cud chewing calf’s and you’re stepping in ‘crap’ at every turn (literally)! We’ve started a compost pile some time ago and probably haven’t...
It has been raining… A lot here in north Texas. In fact for several weeks straight we’ve had so much rain we’re in the top 10 wettest ever in Texas (7th to be precise and probably 2nd by the end of the month). October has not only seen 8″ of...